Aku terdiam..
Saat kau katakan "tanyakan apa saja yg ingin kau tanyakan, namun jangan tanyakan tentang yg telah berlalu"
Bagaimana ?? Sedang yg ku pendam adalah jutaan tanya tentang kisah kisah lama, yg justru ingin kau kubur rapat, bahkan dariku..
Mengapa ?? Apakah aku tak cukup pantas untuk tau, tentangmu, tentang bagian hidupmu, yg bagiku adalah hidupku juga..
Lidahku kelu..
Apa yg bisa ku lakukan, agar aku bisa dapatkan 1 kisah dari 1000 kisahmu yg lain..
Aku tak inginkan apa pun saat ini, tak perlu janji janji, hanya kisah itu..
Kamis, Desember 15, 2011
Senin, Desember 12, 2011
I wanna be a place that you can come to there if you need the shelter, the compassion without border, and all the support that I can give for you.
I wanna be someone that you can come to me if you need the answer and the understanding, or just to explain for you that you are an extraordinary and special human.
Best regards,
Jumat, Desember 09, 2011
Sebuah Memori
Pikiranku terpaku atas maya tak tertuju.
Rasaku ragu akan teori palsu.
Memanja jiwa yang haus dan terluka.
Anganku terbuai oleh belaian asaku.
Hanya luka dan duka yang kurasa, tak tahu kapan ini semua kan berhenti ?
Dimana ujung waktu yang akan mengubur jenuh ini ?
Rabu, Desember 07, 2011
Sometimes I don't need words or smile.
Sometimes I don't need some suggest or cheerish.
Sometimes I just need a HUG.
Tuhan, aku titip rindu
sepenggal lirik I REMEMBER dr MOCCA -
benar benar membuat Qu mengingat kembali putaran waktu yg berlalu,
semua tentang cerita yg tak terkisahkan,
dan semua warna yg tak terlukiskan -
aku ingat semuanya,
dari A-Z, dan dari 0-sekian..
I remember -
when u said that U loved me,
n' the way when u want me to B yours.
I remember -
the way u glanced at me, yes I remember.
I remember -
when we caught a shooting star,
n' make a wish under the sky.
3 bulan berlalu . . .
3 bulan berlalu sejak hari itu, tepat tanggal ini..
ya, tentu saja masih sangat jelas terbayang dalam benakku setiap detik yg terlanjur hilang,
dan entah bagaimana aku bisa membiarkanmu berlalu..
meninggalkan setiap sisi hati yang (ku akui) masih rapuh,
tak mungkin Qu teriakkan namanya lagi,
untuk sekedar membuatnya menoleh ke arah Qu,
lantas bagaimana mungkin aku mengharapkannya "masih" di sisi Qu ??
ya, tentu saja masih sangat jelas terbayang dalam benakku setiap detik yg terlanjur hilang,
dan entah bagaimana aku bisa membiarkanmu berlalu..
Rabbi, andai dapat Qu putar waktu, ingin Qu kembali pada saat itu..dan setiap bayang bayang itu telah menjadi memori dalam garisan jalan Qu,
Untuk sekedar menghabiskan menit menit terakhir Qu bersamanya..
Untuk sekedar meluapkan segala rasa dan asa..
Untuk sekedar melihat senyumannya dan teduh tatapnya..
meninggalkan setiap sisi hati yang (ku akui) masih rapuh,
tak mungkin Qu teriakkan namanya lagi,
untuk sekedar membuatnya menoleh ke arah Qu,
lantas bagaimana mungkin aku mengharapkannya "masih" di sisi Qu ??
Task : Expository Text
Expository writing is a type of writing where the purpose is to inform, explain, describe, or define the author's subject to the reader. In many social activities, hortatory is applied for writing recommended thought, sales letter, advertising, speech campaign, and news advertorial.
The creator of an expository text can not assume that the reader or listener has prior knowledge or prior understanding of the topic that is being discussed. One important point to keep in mind for the author is to try to use words that clearly show what they are talking about rather then blatantly telling the reader what is being discussed. Since clarity requires strong organization, one of the most important mechanisms that can be used to improve our skills in exposition is to provide directions to improve the organization of the text.
Task : Summarizing and Paraphrasing
Summarizing and Paraphrasing
A. Summarizing
Summary writing is the one of the most effective study techniques you could ever use. An effective summary condenses a reading selection. It concentrates on the author’s main ideas and it puts those ideas in new word. Usually the goal of summarizing is shorter than the real text.
How to write a good summary ??
1. Make sure you understood what you read.
2. Collapse list.
3. Use topic sentences.
4. Get rid of unnecessary detail.
5. Check and double check.
Senin, Desember 05, 2011
Dizzy Day
aloowha hula-hula *apaan yah ?? hha
I don't know what should I share right now. I've no ideas.
Today is so boring. I felt so listless to all subject in campus. I also felt so sleepy *efek begadang tadi malam-_-")
Well, pelajaran cuma nyangkut sebentar, trus buru-buru out dari otak akuh :(
Hari ini bakal sibuk banget, maybe I have to wake up for a long nite again, cZ ada proyek besar yang harus selesai malam ini juga. TITIK.
Hayoo. Pasti pada penasaran yah ?? ;)
Yupz, actually akuh mesti nyelesaian tugas kuliah STRUCTURE III, it was about a month ago I got this task from my lecturer, we should write about everything for everyday. Awalnya sih akuh excited ajaa. Lama-lama ajdi stuck juga kehilangan inspirasi. hhe
Nah. Maka dari itulah malam ini mesti serius nyelesain MahaKarya itu. Gk papa lah sekali-sekali pake SKS (Sistem Kebut Semalam) *plakk !! Padahal udah sering-_-") *stttttt.... :D
sooooo. I should doit right now. See ya ^^
Task : Hadits Maudhu
Dosen Pengampu : Ajahari, M.Ag

Disusun Oleh :
Normayani Qamara (100 112 0577)
2011 M/ 1432 H
Puji dan syukur kami ucapkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, karena atas berkah dan rahmat-Nya lah, penulis dapat menyelesaikan makalah Ulumul Hadits, terkait dengan pembahasan mengenai Hadits Maudhu’ ini sesuai dengan petunjuk, kemampuan serta ilmu yang penulis miliki serta serta dengan bantuan dari berbagai pihak sehingga makalah ini dapat diselesaikan tepat waktu.
Lelaki terindah di mata wanita bukanlah yang tampan, melainkan dia yang bisa membuat sang Hawa merasa tercantik di dunia.
Lelaki tergagah di hati wanita bukanlah yang paling kekar, melainkan yang mampu mendengarkan dan mengerti tentang curahan hatinya.
Dan Lelaki terkaya di angan wanita bukanlah yang terbanyak hartanya, melainkan dia yang penuh syukur pada TUHANnya dan berjuang bagi keluarganya.
Task : Problem Solving
Material of Reading Comprehension III, English Education, summarizing about proble solving, check it out !!
A. What is Problem
Problem is “a question, matter, situation, or person is perplexing or difficult” or “any question or matter involving doubt, uncertain difficulty.”
To put in simple terms, there is a problem when we feel uncertain, dissatisfied, or upset with things, persons, or circumstances because they are either not doing what we think they should be doing or not going the way that we want or expected.
Task : Major & Minor Details
There are two types of supporting details in a text: Major Details and Minor Details. Not all texts have both major and minor details.
a. Major Details
General ideas that support the stated main idea of text.
• Reasons
• Points in an argument
• Points of a comparison
• Further elaboration of main idea.
Task : Cause and Effect
Campus task will never die :D
Well, ini tugas summarizing lagi, as usual, mata kuliah Reading Comprehension III, kali ini temanya patterns of organization, exactly about cause and effect, lagi kumat malasnya nih ngerjain tugas-__-") Just check it out !!
Cause and Effect
When an author discusses about cause-effect, his purpose is to help you understand why things happen/happened and the result of certain events or actions.
This is a part of the pattern of organization details that present causes or reasons along with their effects or results. In other words, it explains why something has happened. For example, if one of your classmates ask you how you got an A+ on a subject, you might proceed to explain that you attended all classes (cause), took down every word the teacher or lecturer said (cause), read more (cause), and studied on a daily basis (cause). Here, you would using the cause and effect pattern to give the reasons why you earned such a high grade.
Minggu, Desember 04, 2011
Surah of Today
Love people blindly & they will become your greatest weakness.
Love Allaah unconditionally and Allaah will be your invincible strength.
•.ღ¸•...But those who believe are stronger in love for Allaah...•¸ღ.•
(QS. Al Baqarah 2:165)
Tuhan, aku cemburu
Pada jiwa-jiwa cantik yang mereka miliki.
Tuhan, bolehkah aku merasa iri ?
Pada kekuatan mereka menjaga hati.
Tuhan, bolehkah aku bersedih ?
Pada kelalaianku atas diri.
Tuhan, bolehkah aku menyesal ?
Pada sangkaan jiwa yang terlanjur terpatri.
Hadits of Today
jangan engkau percaya melihat kegagahan seorang lelaki , tetapi jika mereka teguh memegang amanah dan menahan tangannya dari menganiayai sesamanya, itulah lelaki yg sebenarnya.
(ali bin abi thalib ra)
Setiap orang memiliki alasan sendiri untuk merasa bahagia ataupun bersedih.
Juga untuk berbangga ataupun kecewa.
Atau untuk bersuka ria dan berduka cita.
Seringkali orang berkata bahwa hidup adalah pilihan.
Ya. Memang benar.
Juga untuk berbangga ataupun kecewa.
Atau untuk bersuka ria dan berduka cita.
Seringkali orang berkata bahwa hidup adalah pilihan.
Ya. Memang benar.
Last Month
It was a month I didn't write in this blog anymore, well November was my depressed month :(
I felt such a loner. Actually, there were some people who loved me a lot there. But it just to stressed me.
I though I couldn't thinking well. You know ?? I cried for a long day. Arrrgh-_-")
It's not only a misunderstanding, too weird for me. Exactly !
I didn't understand about the system that working in here. I felt so upset. Really upset.
I felt such a loner. Actually, there were some people who loved me a lot there. But it just to stressed me.
I though I couldn't thinking well. You know ?? I cried for a long day. Arrrgh-_-")
It's not only a misunderstanding, too weird for me. Exactly !
I didn't understand about the system that working in here. I felt so upset. Really upset.
I promised... I'll never forget about this. :(
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