Jumat, Oktober 28, 2011

Dreaming : Wedding Part I

Berasa ANEH-_-") *Loh ??
Abis browsing gk jelas apa yang dicari, malah mikir wedding, ihiihi...
What the Hell ??
Helloooooo, Normayani Qamara, U R still 19th, hha *Upz
zzzttt... Actually, aku emang sering thinking of WEDDING, yaaii. Sure donk, how nice it is.
Imagine, U'll be a PRINCESS for a day and there is Ur beloved sits beside U, there will be so many guesses, flowers, and every sweet things, like a nice dream comes true. I waaaaaaaaaant. Hha :D

 - - - Ugh... Masih lama kali yah kalo ngomongin masalah wedding, kuliah aja belum beres, belum jadi orang sukses nih. Tapi sedikit mengkhayal boleh donk :)
Lanjut ajaa, maunya sih nikah cepet ajaa *Loh ??
Bukannya ngebet sih, biar cepat halal aja, hha. Bener kan ??
*plakkk. Back to reality ---> My boyfriend is still in 3rd semester. Aish.
Hoping he'll be my  Great Husband someday  :*  amiiin

Marriaging is A way to Save our self from the sin (estrelluna)

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